Foundations of Healing Touch - Course 1
HIT Healing Touch Certificate Program
A complementary energy based approach to health, Healing Touch uses heart centered, gentle, non-invasive techniques to clear, balance and align the human energy system. The goal of Healing Touch is to restore harmony and balance in the energy system placing the recipient in the position to Self Heal. In this Foundations class we will use a combination of lecture, discussion and experiential energy work to bring awareness to the mind, body, spirit connection and to experience the possibilities of increased self-care and relaxation in every day life. This class is open to anyone interested in learning more about energy and healing.
Healing Touch courses are open to all individuals desiring an in-depth understanding and practice of healing work using energy based concepts.
The program offers 18 CEU’s for nurses and massage therapists and has received great reviews by physicians, body therapists, counselors, psychotherapists, and other health professionals.
You must pre-register to attend - choose your course below.
For more information on the World of Healing Touch and Research, please visit www.healingbeyondborders.org
Energetic Patterning & Clinical Applications - Course 2
HIT Healing Touch Certificate Program
The skill of completing an intake interview that identifies patterns of behaviors for which Healing Touch techniques may be useful in assisting a patient to re-pattern their energy field is acquired. Healing Touch techniques learned in the Foundation course are integrated into applications that assist in re-patterning spinal health. The appreciation of Healing Touch progresses to a deeper level with the acquisition of a technique to assist the patient in expanding their heart energy.
Prerequisite: Completion of the previous course
Foundations of Healing Touch​
The program offers 17.5 CEU’s for nurses and massage therapists and has received great reviews by physicians, body therapists, counselors, psychotherapists, and other health professionals.
You must pre-register to attend - choose your course below.
For more information on the World of Healing Touch and Research, please visit www.healingbeyondborders.org
Advanced Healer Preparation - Course 3
HIT Healing Touch Certificate Program
In this course, methods of raising one’s energetic vibration are acquired that facilitates the student’s application of techniques that can be utilized with upper energetic field layers. The student will learn to elevate their personal energy vibration to support upper level work. Practice will include clearing, balancing and energizing techniques to the upper levels of the energy field and the delivery of techniques that support spinal health.
Prerequisite: Completion of the previous 2 courses
Foundations of Healing Touch
Energetic Patterning and Clinical Applications
The program offers 17.5 CEU’s for nurses and massage therapists and has received great reviews by physicians, body therapists, counselors, psychotherapists, and other health professionals.